Here’s what you need to know about the NAVLE Competencies
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Here’s what you need to know about the NAVLE Competencies

The current analysis obtained information about the following characteristics of veterinary practice: (a) work context, (b) animal species and diagnoses managed, (c) clinical and professional competencies required for success, and (d) foundational and basic veterinary sciences knowledge required to appropriately perform the responsibilities of effective practice.

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What is on the NAVLE exam?
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What is on the NAVLE exam?

Each NAVLE form contains 300 scored items. The numbers represent the target count for each category, determined by the ICVA’s most recent Practice Analysis.

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Seven Top Test-Taking Strategies for Success
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Seven Top Test-Taking Strategies for Success

After ensuring you've had ample rest, a nutritious breakfast, and arrived early, it's time to tackle the test with confidence!

Different exams call for tailored approaches; what works for a math test may differ from the NAVLE exam. Yet, overarching strategies can elevate your performance across diverse test formats.

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Do you know these secrets for studying?
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Do you know these secrets for studying?

Next 10 hours study strategy. The idea is that you study in 10-hour rotating increments. The 10 hours don’t have to be all in one day or even a week; they can ebb and flow around your clinical rotations and life.

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Study Breaks & Stress-Busters: Boosting Productivity the Smart Way
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Study Breaks & Stress-Busters: Boosting Productivity the Smart Way

When the pressures of studying for NAVLE weigh heavy on your shoulders, it's easy to fall into the trap of relentless studying. However, taking purposeful breaks isn't just about catching a breather; it's about enhancing your overall study experience and maximizing productivity. So, keep calm and take a study break—the smart way.

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What you need to know about the NAVLE exam
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What you need to know about the NAVLE exam

NAVLE consists of 360 multiple-choice questions, with 300 questions counting toward your score and sixty items serving as unscored pretest questions. Approximately 15%-20% of the items on the NAVLE include graphic or pictorial information relevant to the item, such as photographs, radiographs, drawings, or charts. Learn more facts about the exam.

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How to use the Pomodoro Technique
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How to use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique helps individuals manage their time effectively by breaking work into manageable intervals, thereby reducing the likelihood of burnout and increasing focus and productivity.

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