Boost your veterinary practice revenue with VOCN TeleSpecialty magic

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of veterinary medicine, staying at the forefront of advancements is not just a goal; it's a necessity. It's crucial for both the well-being of our beloved animal companions and the continued success of veterinary practices. In recent years, one remarkable tool has emerged that promises to revolutionize how veterinarians provide care, offering a unique opportunity to enhance both revenue and the quality of patient care simultaneously. This tool is known as Veterinary TeleSpecialty by VOCN, a telemedicine platform that connects veterinarians with specialist consultations.

This groundbreaking platform allows general veterinary practices to access specialty consultations without leaving the comfort of their own clinics. This not only provides expert insights into complex cases but also significantly contributes to improved patient care outcomes. Moreover, it often results in keeping pets within the practice for specialized treatments, thus retaining crucial revenue. Let's explore some real-life examples where VOCN consultations have played a pivotal role in patient care and financial success.

1. "Jules" - Uncovering Mannitol Usage and Blood Pressure Monitoring

  • Rough Revenue Post Consult: Approximately $7,500

Jules, a mysterious case, stumped the veterinary team. However, a VOCN consultation proved invaluable. The team learned crucial details about Mannitol usage and serial blood pressure monitoring, knowledge they immediately applied to Jules' care. Subsequently, they referred Jules for an MRI, a service not available in-house. Follow-up labs, IV fluids, and oral medications were initiated. The result? Improved patient care, retained revenue, and a satisfied pet owner.

2. "Callie" - Detecting Renal Disease and Hypertension

  • Rough Revenue Post Consult: Around $1,800

During a routine blood panel, Callie's renal disease was detected through a VOCN consultation. Armed with this information, the veterinary team was able to perform an ultrasound, send samples for culture and sensitivity testing, and commence serial blood pressure monitoring. Renal diet and medications were prescribed. This case exemplifies how VOCN empowers general practitioners to manage complex diseases and initiate treatment, while simultaneously generating revenue.

3. "Kora" - Confronting Lymphoma with Chemo

  • Rough Revenue Post Consult: Approximately $6,000

Kora's lymphoma case was complex, but VOCN provided the necessary expertise to establish a chemotherapy treatment schedule, conduct repeat labs, and perform thoracocentesis as needed. The veterinary practice became the epicenter for comprehensive patient care, and the revenue generated from these specialized treatments stayed within the practice.

4. "Max" - Managing Neurological Issues

  • Rough Revenue Post Consult: Approximately $2,000

Max's neurological issues were a challenge, but a VOCN consultation helped diagnose and manage his seizures effectively. The treatment plan included a blood transfusion and ongoing care, including medication refills and frequent labs. This consistent care not only improved Max's health but also contributed to the clinic's revenue.

5. "Jessie" - Tackling Liver Issues

  • Ongoing Case with Rough Revenue: $2,200

Jessie's elevated liver enzymes pointed to liver trauma, and a VOCN consultation was instrumental in understanding copper storage disease and modern treatments for liver issues. The journey included a liver biopsy, showcasing how VOCN can keep patients within the clinic for specialized diagnostics and care.

6. "Kero" - A Complex Diagnosis

  • Rough Revenue Post Consult: Approximately $900

Kero's case was particularly complex, involving an unusual diagnosis. The VOCN consultation led to additional costs for an abdominal ultrasound and a feeding tube. It also resulted in a referral recommendation for advanced surgery. Although euthanasia was ultimately elected due to financial constraints, the consultation played a vital role in the decision-making process.

In conclusion, Veterinary TeleSpecialty by VOCN is nothing short of a game-changer in the veterinary world. It offers general veterinary practices the ability to provide expert specialty care without the need for extensive in-house resources. The examples presented here demonstrate how VOCN consultations not only enhance patient care but also significantly contribute to practice revenue by keeping specialized treatments within the clinic. Pet owners are delighted with the accessibility of specialty care at their trusted general practice. As the veterinary field continues to evolve, VOCN proves to be an invaluable tool for delivering the best possible care for our furry friends while bolstering the success of veterinary practices nationwide. It's a win-win for everyone involved - practitioners, patients, and their devoted owners.


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