How to be happier

2020 has been the lamest year ever. On top of the usual earthquakes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters, we also have a global pandemic and giant murder hornets to worry about. If you're not happy, it's not terribly surprising, but there is hope. You can still be happy even during a year like this one.Here are a few tips on how to be happier, no matter what your situation is.


According to studies, people who exercise are happier than people who don't. It can take as little as 7 minutes of exercise per day to help improve happiness, and the effects are so powerful, it can even be used as a treatment for depression. If you're unhappy, exercise is a great place to start.

Get enough sleep

Ever had a day where nothing seemed togo right? It may not be the day itself, but whether you have gotten enough sleep or not. Quality sleep can help you desensitize from negative emotions, so when bad things happen you can let it roll off your back.

Spend time with friends and family

One of the most powerful ways to make yourself happy is to spend time with people you love. Whether it's watching a favorite movie on the couch, or hosting a family barbecue, hanging out is a great way to improve happiness.With social distancing in place, if you're unhappy because you can't connect with those you love,consider finding ways to connect in indirect ways. Send your grandma a care package, let your kids decorate art for them. Use face time to speak with your family face to face.Right now we need that connection more than ever, so make picking up the phone and calling a favorite person one of your top priorities. You'll feel happier, and so will the people you reach out to.

Read more happy tips below:

Proven ways to be incredibly happy

Harvard study on happiness

A.M. Kuska

A.M. Kuska is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience. Always curious about the world, she spends her free time conducting weird experiments and poking her nose where it doesn't belong.


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