Veterinarians: Help NC State Crack the Code on Aging Dogs – Take the CCDS Survey Now!
Attention veterinarians! Your insights are needed to improve care for aging dogs. Participate in the Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome survey to help revolutionize the diagnosis and management of CCDS. It’s quick, easy, and impactful—join the movement today!
Miracle Therapies Keep Heroic Working Dogs on the Job Despite Muscle Disease
In an inspiring case series, researchers have brought new hope to working German Shepherd dogs suffering from fibrotic myopathy, a muscle disease primarily affecting the hind limbs. This study, conducted at the prestigious Schwarzman Animal Medical Center in New York City, explores the effectiveness of non-invasive medical treatments in extending the working lives of these canine heroes.
Big dogs versus small dogs: Which sizes face higher risks of which diseases?
A study of more than 25,000 U.S. dogs and 238 breeds has linked dog size to varying patterns of risk for health conditions over the course of a dog’s lifespan. Yunbi Nam of the University of Washington, U.S., and colleagues present these findings in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on January 17.
Mind-blowing discovery: Dogs and humans share incredible brain connection when it comes to body language!
Prepare to have your mind blown as cutting-edge research uncovers an astonishing truth about the deep bond between dogs and humans. Scientists have made an incredible breakthrough, revealing that our brains process body postures in strikingly similar ways.