Revolutionizing Veterinary Care: Mars Veterinary Health Leads the Way in Green Anaesthesia

In a groundbreaking move toward sustainability, Mars Veterinary Health, in collaboration with Linnaeus UK veterinary group and Waltham Petcare Science Institute, is set to pilot an innovative anaesthetic gas capture technology to curb carbon emissions. This pioneering initiative marks a significant step forward in the veterinary industry's efforts to combat climate change and promote environmental stewardship.

Partnering with SageTech Veterinary, a leader in gas-capture technology utilized in human healthcare, Mars Veterinary Health aims to revolutionize anaesthesia practices within veterinary clinics. The innovative solution works by capturing waste anaesthetic agents exhaled during procedures, preventing their release into the atmosphere—a critical measure in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

"Being at the forefront of veterinary care, we recognize our responsibility to prioritize sustainability and lead by example," states Ellie West, RCVS and EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, and Linnaeus Environmental Sustainability Lead. "Through this pioneering collaboration, we aim to make significant strides toward a greener future, benefitting not only the planet but also the people and pets who rely on it."

The one-year pilot program, set to commence at 10 Linnaeus primary care and referral veterinary practices in the UK, seeks to evaluate the efficiency of the gas-capture technology and its impact on reducing anaesthesia-related carbon emissions. Mars Veterinary Health plans to leverage insights gained from the pilot to explore broader applications of the technology across its operations, aligning with its commitment to climate action and sustainability.

Iain Menneer, CEO of SageTech Veterinary, expresses enthusiasm for the collaboration, highlighting the collective effort to mitigate the environmental impact of volatile anaesthetic agents. "We are proud to contribute our expertise to this transformative project, working hand in hand with Mars Veterinary Health to drive positive change in veterinary care," he affirms.

This pioneering initiative underscores Mars, Incorporated's Net Zero Roadmap, outlining its ambition to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. As part of its comprehensive sustainability strategy, Mars Veterinary Health's pilot program represents a significant milestone in the company's journey toward environmental stewardship and responsible business practices.

Stay tuned for updates on this groundbreaking pilot program as Mars Veterinary Health leads the charge toward a more sustainable future in veterinary care.


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