How Betsy Banks Saul is making it easy for us to be the boss

Not many people can say they found homes for over 30  million animals.  

But Betsy Banks Saul can!

All throughout her professional life, Betsy has dedicated herself to pet adoption, rescue, and animal welfare causes. In the early 90’s, she saw firsthand how badly shelters were struggling to keep their heads above water. With gut-wrenching     euthanasia rates across the country, she (alongside her co-founder Jared Saul) decided to act…and Petfinder was born. 

Before long, it became the world’s #1 pet site.

However, despite this success story that she’s often applauded for, Betsy knew deep down in her heart there was more to do. And so, she did! 

Nowadays, she is the CEO of Heal House Call Veterinarian. 

Her mission has gradually shifted from “How to get pets out of shelters” to “How to keep pets with their families.”   Especially concerning, was how often she heard about financial euthanasia, which is what it is called when a family can’t afford care for their sick pet and their only choice is to euthanize it. Digging deeper into the many gaps in veterinary care revealed a surprise for Betsy. It turns out that it isn’t only pet parents that can’t access care. The veterinarians, themselves, don’t have the resources they need to dive in and help vulnerable pet families, even though they want to (which they do). 


Saul came up with a plan.  

Her goal?

To nurture 50 independently owned Heal Impact Practices in 10 states, with an investment of $14 million/year for 3 years. 

Fifty independent veterinarians will be able to become their own boss and get to start a house call practice with no risk, no up-front cost, and guaranteed income as long as they share Heal’s vision of inclusion and equity. 

In her words, “With Petfinder we helped pets. Now we need to come together to help vets and strengthen communities. We can accomplish this by empowering independent veterinarians to care for the pets that need it most.”

It’s a big dream, but that Vet Candy and other solution-focused partners everywhere will be excited to support. Partners such as the Dave and Cheryl Duffield Foundation, Springpoint Partners, and PetSmart Charities have already stepped forward. 

What is HEAL? Community based care for our most vulnerable four-legged friends

At its core, A Heal Impact Practice is a new model for veterinary practices that promotes access to care, inclusion, and provides leadership opportunities for community-positive veterinarians. It’s the answer to the problems on both sides of the leash     . 

Let’s face it, there is currently a crisis in veterinary care. 

Data shows that approximately 70% of U.S. households own at least one pet. This is equal to roughly 90.5 million families. Yet tragically, with three-fourths of American households living paycheck to paycheck, it can be difficult to prioritize and access medical care. Or catch health concerns before they become chronic. 

Add to that resource deserts, and we see the issue compound. Seventy percent of pets in resource deserts have never seen a pet.

With Heal Impact Practices, things are done differently. 

Heal empowers independently-owned house call practices, ensuring that the financial and social profits generated stay in the community. That means more targeted care, less stress for clients and their pets, and a much more holistic approach to veterinary services. In addition, sponsored practices are subsidized for three years. 

The beauty of each “incubation” process is this: communities now get a highly skilled veterinarian who is local, working hard to build a client roster of their own, and literally creating a self-sustaining marketplace for veterinary care. 

And greatest of all, Heal is behind them every step of the way! 

The veterinary industry needs healing, too. Are you ready for a change? 

Without a doubt, veterinarians have some of the biggest hearts around. This is a career specifically chosen by people driven by love, compassion, and a desire to help others. 

But the industry is shifting. 

Studies reveal that veterinarians are now more stressed than ever before. Rates of anxiety and depression are high, student debt is paralyzing, and there is a severe lack of diversity (a consequence of which is an underrepresentation of the communities in which veterinarians serve). 

Heal understands these struggles. That’s why Heal slashed      the cost of a practice start-up. The more vets of all backgrounds and experiences who join     , the healthier our profession will be.

Learn more about helping HEAL bridge the gaps 

With Heal House Call Veterinarian, every problem is met with a solution. 

In Betsy’s words, all it takes is “an infusion of love, thoughtful strategy, innovative spirit, goodwill, and perhaps most of all, balance.”

Plus, the right team of people (that could include you!)

To learn more about the Heal Impact Practice Partnership Proposal, or to contact Betsy, please visit: or  email


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