The unique way Dr. Dani McVety finds balance

Meet the Incredible Dr. Dani McVety, founder of Lap of Love

End of life care might be a sad topic for many, but Dr. Dani doesn’t shy away from difficult conversations.

In fact, she has made it her mission to provide hospice care to animals in need. As the Founder and CEO of Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice McVety lives by her veterinarian oath to bring “relief and the prevention of pain and suffering” to all pets who fall under her care. Whether it’s comforting a family dealing with a new terminal diagnosis and explaining their options or providing gentle in-home euthanasia in those final moments, Dr. Dani McVety’s compassion runs deeper than most.

Lap of Love has worked with more than 250,000 patients and is quickly filling a gaping hole that exists in the world of veterinary medicine.

Changing how pet owners think about hospice, one family at a time

How does one choose this career path?

For Dr. McVety, hospice care was an early calling. Prior to attending veterinarian school at the University of Florida, she actually volunteered in the field of human hospice. From there, her love of animals and dedication to raising the bar for end of life care was a natural next step. After graduating with as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. McVety practiced emergency medicine in Tampa, FL. for a period of time. It was here that she witnessed the unfortunate suffering, physical discomfort, and emotional pain families (and their four-legged companions) often experience in those last moments.

But this was about to change!

The name “Lap of Love” was inspired by a real-life interaction that Dr. McVety had. Only three months out of school, she was approached one night at the emergency veterinary clinic where she was working in 2009. A woman had brought her small elderly dog in to be put to sleep. During the euthanasia procedure, the owner asked Dr. McVety if she could please keep her dog on her lap. Understanding that this simple act would be comforting for both the pet patient and owner, she of course agreed.

Then, slowly and one family at a time, the demand for in-home euthanasia services grew. The phone began ringing. Emails flooded her inbox. Dr. McVety recognized how very needed compassionate end of life care was for the pet community. One year later in 2010, she recruited fellow veterinarian Dr. Mary Gardner to join her.

The rest as they say is history. Lap of Love was born!

What makes Lap of Love so special?

“It’s an honor and privilege to guarantee a peaceful passing.”

Those are the words Dr. Dani McVety and her team of 200 nationwide professionals adhere to. The decision to euthanize a pet is never easy. If you have ever endured the heartbreak that follows losing a pet, you no doubt agree. Which is why Lap of Love prioritizes hospice medicine and in-home euthanasia. Unlike veterinary clinics, the home is where your cat or dog feels most comfortable. It smells familiar, is calm, and best of all is where pets can be surrounded by their most loved person – you.

By addressing the 2 most common concerns: 1) pain and suffering 2) the happiness of the animal, Dr. McVety ensures that pets have a good quality of life, right up until the end. Humans benefit too; owners can book consultation appointments to discuss options. There is even grief counselling available.

We are so thankful for hospice veterinarians – like the incredible Dr.McVety – who help us say “goodbye” to our beloved pets, until we are able to meet them again.

To find out more, please visit Lap of Love


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