Texas state veterinarian encourages vaccination against anthrax

The State Veterinarian of Texas encourages livestock owners to have their animals vaccinated against anthrax this spring.

“Following last year’s outbreak in Southwest Texas, we encourage livestock owners in the previously affected and surrounding area to consult with their veterinarian about vaccinating animals before warmer weather arrives.” said Dr. Andy Schwartz, Texas State Veterinarian and Executive Director. “The anthrax vaccine is dependable and proven to protect livestock from the disease.”

To be effective, the vaccine must be administered two to four weeks before a normal outbreak, usually in early spring. The vaccine is available for use in swine, equine, sheep, goats, and cattle. There is no approved vaccine for use in deer.

It is common to see an increase in anthrax cases after periods of wet, cool weather, followed by hot, dry conditions. At that time, animals ingest the anthrax bacteria when they consume contaminated grass and hay or inhale the spores. Outbreaks usually end when cooler weather arrives.


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