Is Celery Juice Beneficial to Your Health?

Celery is not exactly the most exciting food and at times it may be termed as a bland. To many people, raw celery is tasteless and does not have an appealing look. For this reason, we may end up choosing something much tastier instead of the tasteless celery juice. What you may not know is that Celery is somehow a superfood as it is low in calories. You can, therefore, add it to your diet without realizing any change.

One of the reasons as to why you should take Celery juice is the ability to combat inflammation. Chronic inflammation affects most of us and may in the end cause brain fog, depression and even tiredness. Thanks to luteolin and polycetylenes, compounds present in celery, the green vegetable is able to handle inflammation quite well.

Secondly, Celery juice plays a key role when it comes to reducing the risk of developing cancer. Since it is an antioxidant, Celery reduces the number of free radicals in your body.  By reducing free radicals, your over general health will improve thus lowering your chances of developing cancer.

Numerous studies need to be done if we are to determine the extent at which fresh celery can benefit your body. As for now, it will continue serving the role of a low calorie food that is full of antioxidants, vitamins, flavonoids just to mention a few.


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