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Unlock Your Veterinary Career: Are You Eligible to Take the NAVLE? Find Out Now!

The North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) is a crucial step for aspiring veterinarians. Under the requirements set by the International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA), eligibility to apply for the NAVLE includes several categories:

Graduates from AVMA-Accredited Schools

Individuals who have graduated from schools accredited by the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) are eligible to apply for the NAVLE. This accreditation ensures that the educational program meets the standards necessary to produce competent veterinarians.

Senior Students at AVMA-Accredited Schools

Senior students enrolled in AVMA-accredited schools are also eligible to apply for the NAVLE, provided they have an expected graduation date no later than ten months from the last date of the applicable testing window. This allows students in their final year to take the examination in anticipation of their imminent graduation.

Graduates and Students from Non-AVMA Accredited Schools

Graduates of veterinary schools not accredited by the AVMA can become eligible for the NAVLE if they are enrolled in or hold certificates from either the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG) or the Program for the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence (PAVE). These programs are designed to assess and certify the equivalence of veterinary education received outside of AVMA-accredited schools. Candidates enrolled in these programs must complete step 3 of their respective program to be eligible to take the NAVLE.

Senior Students from Non-AVMA Accredited Schools

Senior students at non-AVMA accredited schools can also be eligible if they are enrolled in the ECFVG or PAVE and have an expected graduation date no later than ten months from the last date of the applicable testing window. This provision ensures that students nearing the completion of their education in non-AVMA accredited institutions can take the NAVLE in a timely manner.

State Licensing Board Requirements

It is important to note that some state licensing boards have different eligibility requirements for the NAVLE. To be approved to take the NAVLE through these state boards, applicants must meet the specific requirements set by those boards. This may include additional documentation or qualifications beyond the general ICVA requirements.

Understanding these eligibility criteria is essential for anyone planning to pursue a veterinary career in North America. Ensuring that all requirements are met well in advance of the testing window will help candidates navigate the application process smoothly and focus on preparing for the examination itself.


The NAVLE process can be broken down into six steps:

  1. Submit the NAVLE application

  2. Submit a NAVLE state/territorial application for approval to take the NAVLE

  3. Look for Scheduling and Admission Permits

  4. Schedule your testing appointment

  5. Take the test

  6. Get your scores