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Dr. Stacy Choczynski Johnson flips the script

There are 168 hours in a week.

But for Dr. Stacy Choczynski Johnson, time flies by at the speed of light!

She is a veterinary industry advocate and pet insurance expert dedicated to comprehensive patient care, STEM education, and women’s leadership. Not to mention, a mom-on-the-move.

For this first-generation college student turned Cornell University DVM graduate, it’s all about using time wisely to stay focused and aligned with her core values…even if it sometimes feels like there are never enough hours in the day.

Vet Candy recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Stacy. We got her unique perspective on veterinary medicine, motherhood, and flipping the script to live the life you were meant for.

Introducing, Dr. Stacy Choczynski Johnson! 

Make Yourself Proud. Don’t Make Me Proud. 

Dr. Stacy has a lot to be proud of.

In addition to being a veterinarian with 12 years of clinical experience and over 20 years of experience traveling and working with animals (ranging from kittens to bottlenose dolphins, orcas, and even beluga whales) Johnson has also been a pet insurance educator and later held medical director and ambassador roles.

Her work speaks for itself; this is a woman on a mission to improve our industry by helping new veterinarians find a mentor and ensure they have success in practice. 

However, when asked about the greatest moment of her life, Dr. Stacy replied:

“When the doctor handed my daughter to me when she was born, I felt an unexpected flood of love. It was an unexplainable force when I met her for the first time and a rush of love, joy and protectiveness came over me. It felt similar to being love-struck by an adorable puppy but with unfathomable breathtaking magnitude.”

Becoming a mom is an emotional event.

For many veterinarians (and people in general) parenthood also provides an opportunity to pause, reflect, and think about what kind of mark you want to leave on your children and the world. 

Dr. Stacy explains, “I will say that becoming a parent shifted my mentality. For the first time, I’ve prioritized making someone proud. In fact, making my daughter proud and serving as a positive role model is part of my mantra.”

Nowadays, Dr. Johnson is trying to instill the same in her 11-year-old daughter.

“When she creates something special or accomplishes a difficult task, I ask her, ‘Are you proud?’ says Johnson. “I hope that she will grow up to be self-assured and not look to others for validation. I want her to be proud of me for being a mom who loves her without limits and a mom who has followed a passion and built a career around it.”

The importance of this sentiment cannot be understated.

Considering approximately 73% of mothers in the veterinary profession have felt discriminated against because of their maternal status, we need leaders like Dr. Stacy Johnson who are flipping the script.

Yes, you can be a good parent and amazing veterinarian – at the same time!

Be a Medium Fish in the Ocean

Here is a question…

Would you rather be a small fish in a big pond? Or a big fish in a small pond?

According to Dr. Stacy, the smart answer is, “Neither.”

“My tip for growing your circle of influence and breadth of knowledge is to always be the medium size fish in the ocean,” she says. “People often talk about the small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond or what have you. But why are we swimming in pond? Why not swim in the deep blue ocean? There’s a world of opportunity out there and there’s so much to explore.”

As far as analogies go, this especially true in vet med.

Knowing that you can dive into different disciplines, acquire extra training, and even branch out into other areas and become an industry veterinarian or go into academia is crucial for lifelong learning.

Johnson summarizes, “I think it’s important to admit that we’re all medium fish. This will help us avoid imposter syndrome, an issue many graduating veterinarians experience. It’s fine to a be a novice or on the path to improvement. No one can be an expert in every subject area.”

Vet Candy agrees 100%!

To learn more about the incredible work Dr. Stacy Choczynski Johnson is doing, visit: