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Three ways women can move up the career ladder

It's no secret that if you're aiming for the top of your career path—it really helps to be a man. Women make up as much as 45% of the workforce, but they're in less than 25% of leadership roles. It's not for lack of interest in the position either. More and more women are directly asking for these positions, and you can too. If you have an eye on the next rung of your ladder, here are a few tips on how to get there.

Use projects to show your leadership potential

Taking the lead on a project is one of the quickest ways to show your potential to leadership within the company. A project will give you immediate value, show your organizational skills, and help gain attention from higher-ups.

If no one wants to give you a project, try volunteering for one no one else wants to do, and turn that into something special for the company. Even if the project doesn't impress your higher-ups, you may be able to use it on your resume later, so make the best of it no matter what.


Speak up

If you don't let your company know you are interested in a leadership role, you may not get the attention you deserve. Leadership training, available positions, and other opportunities may pass you by because you didn't ask for them. 

Gender bias is real, but the truth is it's not always something your management is aware of. Even if you've been passed up again and again for positions, it may simply be that your boss is selecting subconsciously for who they see as leaders—men. This is called an implicit bias, and everyone has one or two of these biases, even you! Even if your boss is a woman, it's very possible that she's blind to the success you've had and the leadership roles you've played.

Simply letting your boss know that you'd like to be considered for a leadership position can draw attention to you, and give you the chances you need.


Leave the company

The easiest and fastest way you can move up the corporate ladder is through applying for those leadership roles outside of your company. While many companies are open to giving large starting salaries and great leadership positions to new people, they often don't have the same opportunities for the loyal workers who have been there for years.

You can often give yourself a big raise and the opportunities you've been dreaming of simply by walking away from your company. Sometimes, you can even apply back at the same company down the road and get the position and raise that was unavailable to you as an employee.

Moving up the career ladder is tough for a woman, but it isn't impossible. The gender gap has become a topic of national conversation lately, and many companies are actively seeking women to put in their leadership positions. If you want to climb the corporate ladder and become one of these women, all you have to do is find the right company, and ask.